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Member Since 03 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Sep 14 2012 03:35 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [05.07.09-05.10.09] Yuri chatted with me, Carolina's fan account

04 June 2009 - 11:02 PM

you are so lucky for!!!
1. having a mom that supports your fandom
2. seeing the girls in person
3. getting all that autographs (promise I would have just stodd there like a statue or something :D)
4. seeing yul in person
5. talking to yul!!!

:( I'm sooo jealouuuuus~ xD

In Topic: [PICS] SNSD Girl Idols

04 May 2009 - 06:05 PM

this is the exact reason why I love SNSD
more than any other girl groups.
they're very carefree and
honest with their selves
and they do what they like to do!!

rofl at the pictures..they really made my day
a whole lot better!!

In Topic: [MESSAGE] Jessica & Donghae

14 April 2009 - 07:13 PM

"don't be cautious of the cold~
don't take care of your body~
don't practice hard~"

^ rofl nice sica! nice! I just laughed so hard at that

and donghae's comback "wow~ you're going to delete me~ how cheap"

that just sent me laughing all the way!

they looke like they're really good friends with each other in this..
super generation~!

In Topic: [MESSAGE] Yoona & Donghae

14 April 2009 - 07:00 PM

yoona's so cute!
"oppa why you only laugh at what i say"
and donghae really didn't laugh!
he cried...hahahahah
super generation really loves each other don't they?

In Topic: [UFO] Sooyoung and Yuri

14 April 2009 - 06:50 PM

"what kind of logic is that?"
rofl oh yul you're so funny!
and for sooyoung, tiff and sica's cooking are at the same level
than you for sharing~!