SSF, you never fail to impress.
Honestly, I got goosebumps and a bit of a chill watching the video. It really hit me, realizing the huge impact this group of 9 girls has had on this world. They've been able to reach so far, to move and inspire tons of people they don't even know. It really fascinates me. They've created this powerful army: SONEs, who every day carry with them a happiness that only other fans of Girls Generation can understand. Like the 9 girls, their fans are unique individuals with amazing talent which is obvious in the video. Despite language barriers, cultural differences, or location, they have all become a part of this beautiful state of bliss together. I'm extremely proud to be a part of this, so happy I could cry. I feel so blessed to have SNSD in my life.
So, happy third anniversary to Taeyeon, Jessica, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, and Seohyun! You've come so far but there is still so much ahead of you. There's no doubt that 소녀시대 will continue to touch many more people around the globe. I admire the strong bond that unites all of the members and will continue to support it as long as life lets me. Thank you for all your hard work and sacrifices. 소녀시대 hwaitaeng!
- Soshified
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Member Since 14 Oct 2009Offline Last Active Private
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- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age 34 years old
- Birthday December 18, 1990
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In Topic: Happy Third Anniversary To Girls' Generation/소녀시대
04 August 2010 - 12:40 AM
In Topic: Twitter Trends (1)
31 January 2010 - 06:07 PM
I had a lot of fun tweeting! We didn't reach number one but I hope we'll be able to try again in the future. I think it got me a little addicted to Twitter. O_O;;
It feels like I always have to keep it open and post something containing "#soshified." xD Power to the SONEs!
It feels like I always have to keep it open and post something containing "#soshified." xD Power to the SONEs!
In Topic: [12.19.09/12.20.09] SNSD 1st Asia Tour Concert
28 December 2009 - 02:32 PM
That was an enjoyable read and it's good to know you were able to have such an incredible experience with them! Thank you for sharing =3. The "Power of Tiffany" cracked me up xD. And those heating pads look super sweet.
- Soshified
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