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Member Since 13 Oct 2009
Offline Last Active Mar 26 2017 08:31 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [OTHERS] SNSD 2nd Album Information

21 January 2010 - 02:40 PM

The cover looks super cute and so colorful
They all look so pretty and beautiful
anticipating for this album and their new song
Show show show was a good song too
SNSD fighting!

In Topic: [OTHERS] After Spending About a Day with SNSD

01 November 2009 - 08:39 AM

yay i knew that is how they acted and that is how all idols should act
lol sica slepping all the time
they shouldnt be too hard on the girls cause they are so exhausted
well the staff is lucky to work with such a nice group of girls

In Topic: [ARTICLE] 3 Stars to Share Lead in 'Legally Blonde' Musical

01 November 2009 - 12:03 AM

goo sica shes the best
she doesnt have to dye her hair either
shes so good at singing
love her and i wish i could see the performance

In Topic: [OTHERS] Heechul's cyworld entry

29 October 2009 - 07:22 PM

I absolutely adore heesica
its my fav pairing
its funny how he did the fool thing on the show
i had tears in my eyes from laughing so much
they should def do a duet or show together

In Topic: [ARTICLE] SNSD's Taeyeon: Fantasy of Guys, Target of Girls' Scoldings

29 October 2009 - 06:08 PM

why would people say she isnt pretty
i think shes beautiful
She also seems like she has a great personality
Shes so funny too
how could it be unbelievable to people that males like her most