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Member Since 12 Oct 2009
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From being a media student, I've heard that 'Sucker Punch' was in pre-production for a while but, like Avatar, no one was up to producing the film. It looks interesting, although I can't say that Vanessa Hudgens role is a good incentive D:
Apr 07 2011 03:23 AM


Hey there :] Just replying to your review you left me on 'The Space Between' ages ago. This is simply because I finally updated, and personal replies via chapters are an eyesore.
The film 'Sucker Punch' is not one of my inspirations for my fanfiction, because it is actually based on Arkham Asylum, but it is one of the movies that are on my to-watch list on the holidays.
Apr 07 2011 03:22 AM


Thaanks for stopping by my paage ! (:
May 04 2010 02:11 PM

haruna onoE.V.E

thanks eve for reading, the fics are not uploaded yet and can you please comment on the fic itself instead? ^^ i will post up the others on lj shortly
Mar 16 2010 07:04 PM

E.V.Eharuna ono

Hi! I'm reading some of your one-shots from "Dorm of Dreams" and noticed some of your fics have been removed and that some of the deleted stories are not on your LJ.vI don't really know when those stories were removed, but I was hoping that you'll re-up those onto LJ because I'm very interested in reading them. Please keep up the great work as a writer. =)
Mar 16 2010 09:59 AM