- Soshified
- → Viewing Profile: Friends: TaeNy89
Member Since 30 Sep 2009Offline Last Active Private
About Me
What happens when you get two TaeNy fanfic writers and have them converse with each other? The answer: a tarnished image. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
maeumi: stop teasing me T_T
TaeNy89: Girl! I'm not one to back out! >=0
maeumi: but you should stop for the sake of your ByunDaughter!><
TaeNy89: Nuh uh. ByunMommy never gives up!
maeumi: but but but T_T it's me you're torturing here though ><
TaeNy89: It's fun torturing you. =3
maeumi: then i shall never share anything with you ;[
TaeNy89: You placed a sad face in that sentence. That means you're dying to share stories with me nonetheless. Go on ahead, ByunDaughter. Share anything you want! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
maeumi: LMAO. Keep deceiving yourself ByunMommy, cus I won't be sharing anything recent with you. >=[
TaeNy89: Oh ByunDaughter. Don't feel so stifled. That face screams out, "Man! I want to tell ByunMommy so much!" I mean, if you're dying to tell me something, you know that you can always tell me. http://soshified.com..._DIR#/happy.gif
maeumi: LOL. ByunMommy, you think too highly of yourself. Ahahaha. Just watch, nothing is coming out of my mouth. ps. not gonna use any faces, so you won't be able to use them against me.
TaeNy89: But you keep typing. So you're "speaking your mind". So technically, words are coming out of your mouth. xP
maeumi: Rofl, I was only referring to something more secretive. Also, if I completely keep my mouth shut in general, then ByunMommy won't be able to have a good laugh. LOL
TaeNy89: ByunMommy needs a good laugh! Spill the beans, ByunDaughter! We're family, remember? ='(
maeumi: Awwww. ByunMommy is using the word family against me. T_T Fine! I'll share sometimes. Remember, S-O-M-E-T-I-M-E-S.
TaeNy89: Well, it's better than N-O-T-H-I-N-G. http://soshified.com...IR#/biggrin.gif
maeumi: LOL. You're lucky that I'm sharing and caring. ;O (Sharing is caring~~~Juicy Fruit!http://soshified.com...IR#/biggrin.gif)
TaeNy89: It can beeeeeeeeeeeeeee fun!
maeumi: AHAHAHAHAHA. Now we're off to commercial breaks!xDDDDDDDD
TaeNy89: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=7eDM3JdLbPI
^ Dude! That part where the woman was beating the sh*t out of the whale is hilarious! I never saw that in the commercial on TV. =0
maeumi: ROFLMAO!!! OH EM GEEGEE! This is the exact commercial I saw when I was a kid!;O It brings back old memories. http://soshified.com..._DIR#/happy.gif
TaeNy89: Best commercial ever when we were wee Asian kids. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
maeumi: I know right? http://soshified.com...O_DIR#/ohmy.gif We can't find commercials like these today anymore. >=[
TaeNy89: Seriously! Damn censorship! >:[ Actually, I barely watch TV anymore. D:
maeumi: LOL, same here. http://soshified.com...O_DIR#/ohmy.gif But who needs tv when you have the internet? http://soshified.com...hyorendered.gif Haha.xD
TaeNy89: The internet is for poooooooooooorn~...
maeumi: LMAO. But ByunDaughter is still visiting PBS Kids up to now!http://soshified.com...IR#/biggrin.gif
TaeNy89: At least you're educating your brain by watching PBS. =0 While me, on the other hand...um...yeah... LOL!!! Jkjk! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
maeumi: LOL! Yes, educating myself once in every blue moon.http://soshified.com..._DIR#/happy.gif
TaeNy89: That's good! Maybe I should start rewatching PBS. =3
maeumi: Yes! We should watch the Teletubbies together!http://soshified.com...IR#/biggrin.gif
TaeNy89: Let me get back to you on that. D:
maeumi: Ahahahaha.xD Hm...we should watch Arthur instead!http://soshified.com...IR#/biggrin.gif ~Everyday when you're walking down the street, everybody that you meet has an original point of view. And I say HEY!~ xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
TaeNy89: What a wonderful kind of day! If we could learn to work and play! And get along with each other!
Omg, that show rocks my socks!
maeumi: LOL. Arthur pwns yo!xD It's an all time favorite of PBS!:3 We should seriously transfer our lazy bum from the computer chair onto the couch and change the channel to PBS and watch ARTHUR! And and and POPCORN!http://soshified.com...IR#/biggrin.gif
TaeNy89: First of all, we need to check if Arthur is showing up this week or not. Otherwise, there's no point in watching TV. 8U
maeumi: I will check the schedule as soon as I can get my lazy bum off my chair and step out of my room.xD
TaeNy89: Rofl! Ok. I'm going to go knock out now. Good night, ByunDaughter! http://soshified.com..._DIR#/happy.gif
maeumi: Night!http://soshified.com...IR#/biggrin.gif Rest well.http://soshified.com...anyrendered.gif
Can you imagine two bored Asian TaeNy shippers talking to each other on 5/31/10? xD
Looky here. http://soshified.com...IR#/biggrin.gif

You are a Romantic Seme!
A true romantic, you're safest sticking with a partner who is gentle and can appreciate your mature, loving ways and protective nature. Most often found with a handful of roses and wine, you are committed to your partner and their happiness, which makes you a perfect match for the Innocent Uke, who you will dedicate yourself to and lavish with gifts and attention.
Most compatible with: Innocent Uke, Clueless Uke
Least compatible with: Badass Uke, Dramatic Uke
What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at SemeUke.com, or get seme/uke merch..
Is this why I have so many cheesy pick-up lines in my fanfics? http://soshified.com...hyorendered.gif

TaeNy is original love.

YulSic is sexy love.

SooSun is dorky love.

YoonHyun is innocent love.
What can I say? SoShi royal couples are real. <3
maeumi: stop teasing me T_T
TaeNy89: Girl! I'm not one to back out! >=0
maeumi: but you should stop for the sake of your ByunDaughter!><
TaeNy89: Nuh uh. ByunMommy never gives up!
maeumi: but but but T_T it's me you're torturing here though ><
TaeNy89: It's fun torturing you. =3
maeumi: then i shall never share anything with you ;[
TaeNy89: You placed a sad face in that sentence. That means you're dying to share stories with me nonetheless. Go on ahead, ByunDaughter. Share anything you want! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
maeumi: LMAO. Keep deceiving yourself ByunMommy, cus I won't be sharing anything recent with you. >=[
TaeNy89: Oh ByunDaughter. Don't feel so stifled. That face screams out, "Man! I want to tell ByunMommy so much!" I mean, if you're dying to tell me something, you know that you can always tell me. http://soshified.com..._DIR#/happy.gif
maeumi: LOL. ByunMommy, you think too highly of yourself. Ahahaha. Just watch, nothing is coming out of my mouth. ps. not gonna use any faces, so you won't be able to use them against me.
TaeNy89: But you keep typing. So you're "speaking your mind". So technically, words are coming out of your mouth. xP
maeumi: Rofl, I was only referring to something more secretive. Also, if I completely keep my mouth shut in general, then ByunMommy won't be able to have a good laugh. LOL
TaeNy89: ByunMommy needs a good laugh! Spill the beans, ByunDaughter! We're family, remember? ='(
maeumi: Awwww. ByunMommy is using the word family against me. T_T Fine! I'll share sometimes. Remember, S-O-M-E-T-I-M-E-S.
TaeNy89: Well, it's better than N-O-T-H-I-N-G. http://soshified.com...IR#/biggrin.gif
maeumi: LOL. You're lucky that I'm sharing and caring. ;O (Sharing is caring~~~Juicy Fruit!http://soshified.com...IR#/biggrin.gif)
TaeNy89: It can beeeeeeeeeeeeeee fun!
maeumi: AHAHAHAHAHA. Now we're off to commercial breaks!xDDDDDDDD
TaeNy89: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=7eDM3JdLbPI
^ Dude! That part where the woman was beating the sh*t out of the whale is hilarious! I never saw that in the commercial on TV. =0
maeumi: ROFLMAO!!! OH EM GEEGEE! This is the exact commercial I saw when I was a kid!;O It brings back old memories. http://soshified.com..._DIR#/happy.gif
TaeNy89: Best commercial ever when we were wee Asian kids. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
maeumi: I know right? http://soshified.com...O_DIR#/ohmy.gif We can't find commercials like these today anymore. >=[
TaeNy89: Seriously! Damn censorship! >:[ Actually, I barely watch TV anymore. D:
maeumi: LOL, same here. http://soshified.com...O_DIR#/ohmy.gif But who needs tv when you have the internet? http://soshified.com...hyorendered.gif Haha.xD
TaeNy89: The internet is for poooooooooooorn~...
maeumi: LMAO. But ByunDaughter is still visiting PBS Kids up to now!http://soshified.com...IR#/biggrin.gif
TaeNy89: At least you're educating your brain by watching PBS. =0 While me, on the other hand...um...yeah... LOL!!! Jkjk! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
maeumi: LOL! Yes, educating myself once in every blue moon.http://soshified.com..._DIR#/happy.gif
TaeNy89: That's good! Maybe I should start rewatching PBS. =3
maeumi: Yes! We should watch the Teletubbies together!http://soshified.com...IR#/biggrin.gif
TaeNy89: Let me get back to you on that. D:
maeumi: Ahahahaha.xD Hm...we should watch Arthur instead!http://soshified.com...IR#/biggrin.gif ~Everyday when you're walking down the street, everybody that you meet has an original point of view. And I say HEY!~ xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
TaeNy89: What a wonderful kind of day! If we could learn to work and play! And get along with each other!
Omg, that show rocks my socks!
maeumi: LOL. Arthur pwns yo!xD It's an all time favorite of PBS!:3 We should seriously transfer our lazy bum from the computer chair onto the couch and change the channel to PBS and watch ARTHUR! And and and POPCORN!http://soshified.com...IR#/biggrin.gif
TaeNy89: First of all, we need to check if Arthur is showing up this week or not. Otherwise, there's no point in watching TV. 8U
maeumi: I will check the schedule as soon as I can get my lazy bum off my chair and step out of my room.xD
TaeNy89: Rofl! Ok. I'm going to go knock out now. Good night, ByunDaughter! http://soshified.com..._DIR#/happy.gif
maeumi: Night!http://soshified.com...IR#/biggrin.gif Rest well.http://soshified.com...anyrendered.gif
Can you imagine two bored Asian TaeNy shippers talking to each other on 5/31/10? xD
Looky here. http://soshified.com...IR#/biggrin.gif

You are a Romantic Seme!
A true romantic, you're safest sticking with a partner who is gentle and can appreciate your mature, loving ways and protective nature. Most often found with a handful of roses and wine, you are committed to your partner and their happiness, which makes you a perfect match for the Innocent Uke, who you will dedicate yourself to and lavish with gifts and attention.
Most compatible with: Innocent Uke, Clueless Uke
Least compatible with: Badass Uke, Dramatic Uke
What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at SemeUke.com, or get seme/uke merch..
Is this why I have so many cheesy pick-up lines in my fanfics? http://soshified.com...hyorendered.gif

TaeNy is original love.

YulSic is sexy love.

SooSun is dorky love.

YoonHyun is innocent love.
What can I say? SoShi royal couples are real. <3
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SoCal! :D
Music, Art, Photography, Beaching, Hanging out with friends, Playing pool, Learning Korean, Eating, Drinking....water!
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