Member Since 01 Feb 2008Offline Last Active Private
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Young Buck → lyly_flower2000
the pervy girl who is taking me shopping next weekend and free meals :)

Iwen → lyly_flower2000
Hello, I just want to say thank you for uploading all the fancams. I really enjoy watching them.

tatodk → lyly_flower2000
whoops just saw your reply in the unis/colleges thread a few days ago, my bad >< so I'm posting my reply here haha
You go to umbc? I kinda know a few people there ^^ I got into snsd about...6 months ago? A friend showed them to me before but I kind of rediscovered them on my own lol. aaand my favorite is sooyoung :]
glad to see more MD sones!
You go to umbc? I kinda know a few people there ^^ I got into snsd about...6 months ago? A friend showed them to me before but I kind of rediscovered them on my own lol. aaand my favorite is sooyoung :]
glad to see more MD sones!

Holly → lyly_flower2000
I'm going with my friends. :D And I'm staying for three weeks. Nha Trang, Da Lat, and then staying in Saigon. oh yeah~ oh yeah~ oh yeah yeah yeah~~~!!!!!

lyly_flower2000 → Holly
ah cool, I wanna go to -_-. How long u stay in vn? go alone or w/ ur family? btw happy new year.

Holly → lyly_flower2000
I'm already set for it! Just countin' down the days now. :D

hwaiting7 → lyly_flower2000
merry christmas and happy holidays! :D
hope you have a good one and receive lots of love and presents~! xD
& may the years to come bring you happiness ;)
thank you for all your hard work on ssf!
hope you have a good one and receive lots of love and presents~! xD
& may the years to come bring you happiness ;)
thank you for all your hard work on ssf!