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Member Since 11 Sep 2009
Offline Last Active May 01 2012 04:22 AM
"Love-Life Twister" rated chapters - http://xxminfangxx.livejournal.com/ Updated 20 Mar · 0 comments

About Me

oh.. hello there~ 8D *waves*
if u actually reading this, it's either u're bored as hell at the moment or u just simply curious about what crap i'm going to blab here. keke

fistly, my name is Xie MinFang, with korean given name Kim MinYoung (OK,lolwat).
most people would know me as MinFang or JJ though. XD
I'm a 18 years old teenager with extreme level of byuntae, the 3rd child of Kim family.
i love sports especially basketball. 8Dd

let me introduce u to my big (kinda?) and happy family~ ^^

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okay, so this is my oh-so-lovely parents, appa Kim TaeYeon & umma Stephanie Hwang 'MiYoung'.
my proud appa is very very reliable, she got the looks and talents.
a kid on the face but mature leader on the heart (also an awesome cook 8Dd), devoted with all her works including singing so for me she's the best female singer i ever know in Korea~! XD
sadly, appa is short. keke
she also have this bad sleep-talking-and-walking habit. D8
and plus a total random dork and an expert byuntae. she loves butts, but she hates aegyo. surprisingly.
p.s - appa always believe that her growing spurt is not yet ending.
p.s.s - appa's forehead is sexy <3

i realized that somehow i inherited those "special" characteristics from appa.. (i'm glad i'm not short~)
well, not that i'm complaining though. =____="

aaaaaand~ the other pretty one is my umma~<3
umma is stunningly beautiful, especially when she smiles. coz her eye-smiles are the best in the world! XD
she's slightly taller than appa. and also sexy, and she got those 'honey thighs' that could-- okay, what the heck i'm talking about my umma.. excuse me. @_____@"

*brb got my siblings slapping some senses back into me*


okay and, my umma is from LA! she speaks English in a very ear-pleasing way~ she's also a great singer~!
but hey, nobody's perfect. just like how appa's being byuntae and such, umma hates bugs, scared of fish-eyes, sometimes being too loud and umma can't cook. *nervous laugh* ^^"
yet she's always warm and full of love, always diligently work hard for everything. she's the best umma you would want to have in the world! XDd
p.s - umma always looked cheerful, but actually she cries easily and when i saw it, it shredded my heart to tiny pieces. </3
p.s.s - she hates her name "MiYoung" coz she said it sounds ancient. =____="

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this is my noona (unnie) Seo JuHyun (20), or SeoHyun she prefer to be called. she's the eldest child of our family and she's MARRIED. REALLY, SHE'S THE ONE WHO OUR PARENTS COULD BE PROUD OF!.. i guess? D'8
since she's a genius, she loves study (me on the bg : "STUDY? MEEHHHHH~!! DDD8<") oh, she also have everything under control with plans like sleeping before 2AM, not eating fast-foods, etc.
p.s - she loves keroro and goguma so very much. 8D
p.s.s - noona's awkward when doing aegyo. X3

oh, i have 4 siblings in total, besides of SeoHyun-noona i still have Jazz-hyung (19), and both Amanda (16) and Priya (14) as my dongsaengs.
when all of us gathered (well, it's mostly minus noona though), i'm positive that chaos would occur in any way possible. keke~

and these are my 'other family', well.. literally~ coz our family have this special bond with them. 8D

they are the Kwon. <3

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Uncle Kwon Yuri, and her wife Auntie Jessica Jung 'SooYeon' with their love-children Im YoonA and Bene. 8D

Uncle Yul is a beautiful, sexy and powerful dancer with stunningly hot tanned skin. she take care of her body very well with healthy food. but despise her pretty image, she's a kkab-expert and i wonder if my appa was once influenced by her or something.. yet her charm made her known as "Black Pearl"
p.s - she used to prank umma with fake cockroaches a lot. XD

Auntie Sica is very very VERY beautiful. pretty doll-face, slim body, blonde locks, man.. she's no joke~ XD
but her cold appearance earns her the nickname "Ice Princess" although her real personality is not like that. Uncle Yul always say that she's a warm ice. 8D
p.s - auntie is a TERRIBLY heavy sleeper, she DESPISE any cucumber-like-thing and she'll be upset if u call her "ahjumma"
p.s.s - she zoned-out a lot and got a slow reaction which always ends up with the deadly "Sica-effect"
p.s.s.s - she's a horrible cook like umma. =_________="

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and Im Yoona, is the eldest child of Kwon. oh, she's also my noona's other half~ *wiggle eyebrows*
i swear now i believe that "opposites attracts" keke
well, she's a pretty girl, cheerful and bright and also childish, and total genius when it comes to evil-pranks. her love of pranks earned her the nickname "Im-choding", when i look at her, she's just like a clone of her appa. XD
p.s - she's STRONG. Him YoonA PWNS. D8

and the younger child of Kwon is Bene, Jazz-hyung said that she's a pervert, and she's short unlike her parents and her sister. LOL BENE DON'T SUE ME, I'M COPYING THIS PART FROM HYUNG. *runs away*

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next is appa and umma's other best pal, Choi SooYoung with her wife Lee Sunny 'SoonKyu' and auntie Kim HyoYeon~

uncle SooYoung is the biggest eater i ever know, no joke. she ate 5-6 times a day yet she never gained weight. AND SHE'S SO TALL AND SLIM! so enviable.. she's a nice person to talk with, but sometimes violent and scary when irritated. T^T
p.s - she also got this bad sleep-talking habit like appa. ~_______~"

her wife is aunt Sunny, who's an aegyo-expert and an energy-pill. she's so cute and as a contrast of uncle shikshin's angry side, she's really warm and loving, also very short. like my appa.. or even shorter. ~_____~"
p.s - she hates it if i call her 'aunt SoonKyu'
p.s.s - she can held any animals except bugs.

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aunt Hyo is the number one dancer i really admire. her beauty and powerful dances never fails to amuse, amaze and make me all "fyeah" swooning over her. if u ask for my opinion, she'll definitely get 1000 points from me out of 100. XD
she's also a playful person, she's caring and loves to joke around and make everyone around her happy~
p.s - she stumbled a lot with words like "Winfrah Oprey". XDD

well.. i think that's all about my family whom i loved SO VERY MUCH.
i'm amazed if u managed to survive reading until this point.

thanks for reading!! XDD

~when imagination goes WAY TOO far~

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  • Birthday January 7, 1992
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