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Leon Kennedy

Member Since 29 Jan 2011
Offline Last Active Feb 25 2011 06:00 PM
@SONE21: Ur welcome Updated 21 Feb · 0 comments

About Me

Hello everyone I'm Jem. You can call me Leon or Cloud if you want to. My favorite Soshi member is Jessica Jung because of her blonde hair, beautiful face, and her gorgeous lovely voice.

I'm gonna tell you all the things that describes me

I am an ordinary guy who likes Final Fantasy and So Nyuh Shi Dae (Girls' Generation). I love listening to all kinds of Korean Songs and Final Fantasy Soundtracks which inspired me to influenece some of my closest friends who always treat me nice. I don't beat up Girls because I know that they are special to me and I also know that they should be treated nice also. I also love listening to music because music is my no. 1 favorite past time. So if you want to know more about me, read the following below.

Nicknames: Cloud Strife, Vaan, Leon, Lord of Final Fantasy, Mikuru, Dongsaeng, and Jem.

My Idols: Girls' Generation, Leon S. Kennedy, Ada Wong, Hunk, Vaan, Cloud Strife, Zack Fair, Squall Leonhart, Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca, Super Junior, Basch Fon Ronsenburg, Leon Kennedy, and Kain Highwind

No. 1 Idol: Jessica Jung

Favorite Group: Girls' Generation

These are the videogames that I'm now Currently Playing:
Resident Evil 4, Castlevania: Lament of Innocence, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-, Final Fantasy XII, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, and Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-

I Want to Play This Videogames:
Dissidia 012 (Duodecim) Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy XIII, Resident Evil 5, Final Fantasy Agito XIII, Grand Theft Auto 4, Grand Theft Auto: Ballad of Gay Tony, Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Mortal Kombat 9, Metal Gear Solid 4, Castelvania: Curse of Darkness, and Hitman.

Hardcore when it comes on playing video game player of RPG and Fighting Games. No. 1 ghost rider when it comes on driving motorbike and No. 1 master of Final Fantasy.

I Like: Final Fantasy, Playing PS2, Playing PSP, Watch TV, Play Drums, Listening to Music, Write Videogame Strategies, Watch Funny Moments of Girls Generation on YouTube, Read Funny Stuffs, and Surfing Internet.

I Hate: People who supports Anti SNSD, People who makes fun of Final Fantasy, People that easily gets mad, and People who likes to insult my likes.

For me, People who hate my likes are just jealous because they've never tried playing, listening, and watching it. But it really means nothing on me. But sometimes it hurts my feelings and emotions.

Strengths: Friends who always care for me and never abandon me, Kind, Happy, Generous, Honest, Patient, Cheerful, Does'nt afraid of Ghosts, and the people who supports Final Fantasy and SNSD.

Weaknesses: Lonely, Afraid of Cats, Afraid of Dogs, Easily gets pissed, People who are trying to use me as a shield, and those people who are backstabbing me.

I'm the kind of person that always watch comedy TV shows, Korean TV shows, and Anime. The kind of person that was made laugh by someone if they tell or wrote something funny and show it to me. Easily get influenced on other interesting video games and lastly, I am a 100% Sone fan!

I can also describe myself with these combinations:

I am a SooSica Fan
I am a JeTi fan
I am a TaeSica fan
I am a YoonSic fan
I am a YuriSica fan
I am a YoonYul fan
I am a TaeNy fan

I Like Soshi!! I like Jesssica no matter what!

Community Stats

  • Group Rookies
  • Active Posts 0
  • Profile Views 3539
  • Member Title SoshiHoney
  • Age 28 years old
  • Birthday July 30, 1996
  • Gender
    Male Male
  • Location
  • Interests
    Play Resident Evil 4
    Watch TV
    Listen to SNSD Songs
    Go to my Classmate's House
  • Favorite SoShi Member
  • Proud citizen of
    Philippines (PH)

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