Member Since 20 May 2008Offline Last Active Apr 19 2015 02:22 AM
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its being ages since i open this forum.....im guessing from 2013......well its just 2 years ago......thing change.......in a good way........

yoohee → Slayn
it just not my luck,i try to hard ,acess to phili, indo even veit sone just to buy the ticket for the past few day ago,i hope jenny still want to find people that want to buy the tickt T^T

just miss a tiny bit to know there was a thread forum that buy snsd tickt for my fan and it already close T^T

yoohee → Slayn
i just open it today and saw cannot post in the forum T~T(what a luck!!)T^T can i still order it?

almost THIS CLOSE to get the sg concert ticket,if only i make earlier the paypal account T~T