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Member Since 16 May 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 29 2012 03:22 PM

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In Topic: [MESSAGE] SNSD's Message to Fans

13 June 2008 - 10:05 PM

To start off, I wanna say no offense to anyone here, but I think you guys are being too defensive. To a certain extent, your thoughts are too biased. To a even less extent, they come off as ignorant.

The reason why I say this is I feel that an apology is in due. Maybe not from the whole group, but since they are one unit and an entity, it is bound to happen that they apologize as a group. Here is why I think they do owe an apology, although it doesn't have to be a public apology, I think it turned out that way because management wanted this to appease the media and the antis. There certainly is a time and place for everything. Sometimes, I don't think their timing is right for the things they did. Being only 10 months old in the business, they have said and done some things that are seen as disrespectful. Them thinking that they are young and are allowed to get away with it is wrong. The fact that they are doing it for entertainment makes it even worse, you can say it's all jokes, but it's at someone else's expense.
Sure, there are other artists who mimic or mock other artists, but you do not see many other rookies doing it. Moreover, a lot of the mockeries that other artists make are not done without familiarity with the artist being mocked. But I am sure that even the artists themselves don't mind. They should have the mutual consensus that everything done is for entertainment. It all just comes down to fans being too defensive. (Much like you guys who are saying they did NOTHING wrong, and NOBODY DESERVES an apology)
-TY calling KI a retard on live radio. No matter how close they are, he his still a senior, to do that LIVE on the radio, wrong.
-Fany making fun of Junjin, I don't know about this situation.
-Fany correcting someone else's English. It can be seen as disrespectful, in a "You are wrong./You are dumb/I am more knowledgeable than you are./I am better than you" kind of way. Let's flip this, if, previously on a show, someone makes fun of Fany for her Korean (that's not a group member, gagman, or host), most fans would be livid. They would say "How can they insult her like that? Don't they know she's not born in Korea?"
-Other members talking [badly] about other artists. Bleh, I don't know if these are true.
-Their fan boys supposedly doing this stuff at DC. Well, no solid evidence, probably even admitted to be false. But I don't believe Soshi can control their fans, but as artists, they should feel SOME responsibility for the actions of their fans.
-Plus more that I definitely left out.
Although, it was taken way out of proportions, given how highly respect is held amongst their values in Korea/Asia, you can understand how people saw them as disrespectful, even to non-antis.

So, yeah, they do somewhat owe an apology. But there is no need to publicly apologize, as if they need to come out and get on their knees to beg for forgiveness. Really, not really an excuse, but they're young, energetic girls, they are prone to mistakes such as these. It's not that big of a deal, the antis are hating. Just like the Soshi fanboys that accused DBSK of sexually harassing the girls and being perverts.

But really, Soshi does not owe the fans an apology. Heck, even the artists themselves would not demand or expect an apology. But I am glad that they chose to apologize instead of, like you fans, saying "We do not think we did anything wrong."

Now, I think the artists of the other fan clubs (at DC) owe Soshi an apology. Eventhough it's not their fault, it is THEIR fanclubs, afterall, they should take some responsibility, I bet even those artists themselves think that. But an open apology would cause an even larger upstir with the fanclubs.
This situation is too messy and I hope it clears up fast.

In Topic: [RADIO] Shin Haechul's radio broadcast about Dream Concert

12 June 2008 - 06:43 PM

This dude... from this article, he comes out as arrogant and snobby. What he said was offensive and if it were here in the US, I think he'll be picking up heat for it. Not because he was anti-anti, I admire him for that. But for him to generalize the situation and say "This is a free event. Poor and cheap people come out to free events. Poor people have no class. All these actions came about because these are classless poor people. Therefore these poor people are the bottom feeders of Korea." It is offensive to the people who went to the concert to support their idols. Sure, amongst this large attendance group, there are people who lack class, but to generalize it, it makes him look bad. Really, he should have just said "It's free, so it is more accessible to the younger more immature fans. These overboard immature fans are hazardous to a fan communities." Instead of saying it's free therefore the people who come in are low class citizens, it makes him sound ignorant, even if it maybe partially correct.

Other than that, I admire him for standing up against the antis and the other FCs that boycotted our girls. But if he thinks he'll make a difference, then he is naive. The other FCs will just boycott him too. Playing Soshi tracks will only gain him less listeners and more hate. And for those, he will get heat from his employer. But he seems like the type that just doesn't care. So even more power to him.
We need more people to voice out on the fan culture. It's really overkill, and it even makes being a fan hard.


25 May 2008 - 03:07 PM

She's about to get 9999999999 bajillion messages when she logs in the next time. With all of them saying "You're so cool," "I love you," "Support SNSD always," "Love Tiffany, Love SNSD, Always."
...None from me though... ...Seriously... ...Really... ...Well... ...I only sent about 74 of them... ...in the last hour...