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Member Since 15 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active May 11 2012 04:45 AM

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In Topic: [UFO] Yuri, Tiffany, Yoona's UFO

13 March 2010 - 04:52 AM

thanks for the translate. tifanny reply! she rarely reply. its a lucky day!^^
very heart warming replies!!
and i wish snsd will stay together forever!!^^

In Topic: [FAN ACCNT] Taeyeon's birthday party, 03.07.10

13 March 2010 - 04:36 AM

lucky for them who could attend that!
ah~yoona is so shy~ i wish i was there to witness the whole situation.
and i could imagine the way magnae said why are u laughing~ehehe^^

In Topic: [UFO] HyoYeon's UFO Replies~

13 March 2010 - 04:30 AM

oh hyeyeon! im hyehyeon bias!^^
been missing her ufo replies. glad she did.
shes just so happy replying and she seems like a 4dimensional person to me~^^

In Topic: [OTHER] Heechul's Cyworld Entries

13 March 2010 - 04:25 AM

ahaha~because im kim hee chul!!
i always love his confident and his kind of coolness!
yoona should just cut a bit of his hair!! im sure he will be very angry!~^^

In Topic: [UFO] Jessica & Sooyoung's UFO Replies

13 March 2010 - 04:22 AM

oh.they must be really tired! carrying each other around?? piggy ride maybe? how sweet they are around each other!!^^
who propose to jessica?? they are so funny larh!^^