I'm really going to miss seeing her on chinchin!!
this mat even be the last time we see her in our gifts on chinchin... T_T
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Member Since 03 Feb 2008Offline Last Active Sep 23 2016 09:54 AM
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- Member Title taengsic.
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- Birthday October 5
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In Topic: [TAEYEON] A&F Hoodie
20 April 2010 - 05:47 AM
In Topic: [HYOYEON] Alex Woo 9 Necklace
20 April 2010 - 05:44 AM
It's been a really loooong time since any of the girls used the '9' necklace.
it's my personal favourite of all the gifts we gave them. i find it really meaningful^^
it's my personal favourite of all the gifts we gave them. i find it really meaningful^^
In Topic: [SUNNY] Ray-Ban Sunglasses
20 April 2010 - 05:40 AM
Is this like the first time they are using the shades?
It'll be really cool if all nine of them use it all at once. we gave nine pairs right? ^^
It'll be really cool if all nine of them use it all at once. we gave nine pairs right? ^^
In Topic: [TIFFANY] Marc Jacobs Bag
20 April 2010 - 05:39 AM
Tiffany is so awesome! She's still using the bag after so long~
it's been a while since we see them using our stuff that frequently..
it's been a while since we see them using our stuff that frequently..
In Topic: [SUNNY] TeNo YuKoN Zodiac Bracelet
28 August 2009 - 03:52 PM
Sunny seem to like this bracelet alot since this is like her second time using it haha:D
She' awwesome for using it so fast.
She' awwesome for using it so fast.
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