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So Shi

Member Since 31 Jul 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 24 2009 09:47 PM

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In Topic: [OTHERS] After filming SNSD… [07.31.09]

01 August 2009 - 08:58 AM

This is a very very touchy article, I can't control my own heart and my own eyes, my heart feel very very hurt and I still had tears in my eyes, just because of this article.. I can't even say a word to explain my feeling about SNSD and my own mom.... It's a really2 touchy article...

Thx KJE chocolate,, Thx SNSD,, Thx mom..

I LOVE U ALL.. I LOVE SNSD and of course my parents deep from the bottom of my heart... * Still Crying *

Damn, It's really hurt me much.... I can't stand it!!..

Love u Tiffany.....