Member Since 07 May 2008Offline Last Active Jul 01 2016 11:54 AM
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cheriosk → tipco09
Loool omg I swear I dunno what came over me when I wrote that but thanks for not thinking that I was a creep! Yay a new friend! XD

cheriosk → tipco09
Hi! I just wanted to say that everytime I finish reading an ES update, I always anticipate your comments the most? You seem to understand and explain my feelings about every chapter so well ;~; i've become a fan of ... A fan loool . Can we be fraannz? Im just kidding... not really :3

cheriosk → Resonate
lol yeaahh! I thought I saw you somewhere but can't remember lol... well it was fun wasn't it?

lool you watched my videos? yeah it was totally worth it, i was recording half the time but when i wasnt i was singing along and waving my glowstick so hard. how was it for you?
Nov 02 2011 07:47 PM -
lol lucky! I forgot to bring my camera with me because i was rushing and my phone died! x( I kept screaming and waving and singing along too but I didn't notice that I kept hitting this lady in front of me with my lightstick string lol
Nov 25 2011 10:15 AM

cheriosk → Resonate
Dude! I knew you looked familiar! You were at SMtown right?

사랑해 → cheriosk
Yeppp! It worked! I'm majoring in history but planning to switch to concurrent education next year!

cheriosk → 사랑해
LOOLL YES WAY! uh i'm in nursing wbu? Lol i'll add you up then so better use it ;)

사랑해 → cheriosk
OMG NO WAY! LOLLLLL! What program are you in? Yeah I do actually but I don't really use it. I think it's @charlotteeel LMAO.