Member Since 13 Jul 2009Offline Last Active Apr 28 2015 05:32 AM
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I'll be hiatus!!So I won't be able to read fanfics and stuff,SORRY WRITERS IF I DIDN'T COMMENT COZ I HAVEN'T READ IT :(

valleo96 → SekshiiHwang
btw followed u on twitter :D mine is the enjoi... blahblah blah one :D

valleo96 → SekshiiHwang
hahhaha OK SURE Elisha :D hehehe u can jus call me Val :D haha its easier :D

SekshiiHwang → valleo96
Hello!:D Haha,name's Elisha btw!Ani's my webname xD But I dun mind you calling me Ani :) Haha it's ok xD

valleo96 → SekshiiHwang
HELLO ANI:) I'm Valerie frm today:) at the mrt :) we talked :)
Heheh hello:) btw I gt mixed up with the wrong prices :) hehe of the calendar n the star collection:P henge sry:)
Heheh hello:) btw I gt mixed up with the wrong prices :) hehe of the calendar n the star collection:P henge sry:)

SekshiiHwang → xella08x
Ahh k k!^^ Yeah!I was hoping that Jessica would hug Tiffany just like Gee days but oh well~ Heehee,JeTi moments...hehe omg I'm so high!>.<