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Member Since 10 Jul 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 10 2013 10:27 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [02.27&28.10] Into the New World Encore Concert

03 March 2010 - 06:34 AM

U rly remember all these?! O_O OMFG!! seriously, after the concert the only thing i could remember was Taeyeon's HUsh Hush(which for sum reason made me have the same reactions as the guys -_-;;; guys too close to her~ kill kill kill) and Yuri threw her jacket on the camera when she was getting NAKED!! (cough cough, ok, not naked but <3 hUAhUAhuAhuA)

N i was effing mad at Taeyeon playing wit the jellies!! the second day i decided i wanted to enjoy the concert better so i did less fancams n when she passes in front of me she dares to pay more attention to the jellies?! *******!! grrrrrr...
on the first day was "funny" cuz when Seohyun was passing on those moving platforms, the fans got so excited that they were shaking it n she lost her balance for a minute hUAHAuHAuHAuHAU feel bad for her but HAUhAUhUAhuHAuHAUhUAhUAhHAuhAU iLaugh at others disgrace!!

anyway O_O GOOD JOB ON THE FAN ACCOUNT!! i mean, jesus!! more detailed than that is the DVD or the concert itself hUAhUahUAhuahhAUAU

;3 1,2 Step! <3

In Topic: Twitter Trends (1)

31 January 2010 - 10:53 AM

what happened?! no more trending?! i came back home in the middle of the mist at the anti-christ hour and #soshified isnt there anymore!! onoz!!
anyways, im gonna keep tweeting XDD got nothing to do anywayz XDD

Fighting ppl!!

In Topic: [12.28.09] Second Year as a SONE was Epic

28 December 2009 - 11:09 PM

omg, this kind of stuff rly happens in the rite timing =D im happy for u soy n lynn!!! i bet u think the trip was already worth juz for that rite?! n all the shopping hUAhUAhuAhuAhuAu damn!! i wish i had more time juz to go shopping XDD

thx for sharing and making me even more jealous!! but thats what they say: the grass on the other side of the fence is always greener, but it was grown wit lots of effort and love!! ;3

In Topic: [12.19.09/12.20.09] Mi Fan acc for the 1st concert in Seoul

28 December 2009 - 10:48 PM

You can saw them that close?
Gosh, i want to go too.LOL
Very Lucky!You must be so excited~~!
Can saw them close and saw the concert!!LOL.
Thank's again for shared this to us.^^

HAuAhuAu it was very close, but now i got that close i want to get even closer!!! im greedy XDD not satisfied wit only that HAUHauHAuHUA

i think my fan acc is more worth cuz of the pics XDD im so proud i could take good pics wit my crappy camera =D

In Topic: [TAEYEON] A&F Hoodie

29 September 2009 - 08:00 PM

isnt she hot wearing that?! XDD im in Osaka, Japan n still pretty hot in here...gets cold earlier there than here....

Taeyeon leading the gift usage ranking!!! <3 Taeyeon!!!