Interested in Fany, Fany, Tiffany! Stephanie Hwang Mi-Young, Sponge Hwang. Playing WoW, Surfing the Net, Watching Anime, Reading Manga, Playing Futsal, Eating, Sleeping. I also possess a natural instinct to catch the best timing for bargaining. I respect rules and manners of the society, and are mild reasonable person. I am weak on theoretical persuasion. However I am good at negotiation using my natural sense. I have a quick mind if personal relationship is concerned. I don't mind doing service for the others.I am a very humane person. I also can not turn down favors. I tend to concentrate heavily in things like music and cinema. I don't mind working and researching for a topic that interests me. I will not make shallow-minded comments, and I always think carefully before I speak. I can steadily and efficiently carry out matters. I can put my life for making my beliefs come true. I am an objective oriented person, and believes only what I get out of my effort is what I can trust.