Member Since 01 Jul 2009Offline Last Active May 04 2015 12:46 PM
Profile Feed

RoshiJessaye → lan1888
Happy Birthday Fellow Sone~~ Hope your wishes come true and have a nice day ^^.

@gEnE@ → lan1888
hahas. thanks for your compliment lan. i thought there are still lots of room for improvement =X
trying to update my profile everyday. hahas
trying to update my profile everyday. hahas

lan1888 → @gEnE@
OMG, genie, ur page is sooooo awesome. Love the different sides of Sunny you have :)

lan1888 → @gEnE@
Thank you very much Genie ^_^ The instructions you gave me really helped. Now the IY thread is updated to ep 4, yay!

@gEnE@ → lan1888
hahas.sorry for the late reply =X
hope the message i send you will help =)
hope the message i send you will help =)

x. W e n → lan1888
SHUDDUP AK LOVER! Don't ever go to my page again. I want to remain anonymous :)