Truly this is a song that gets better over time! One of my favorite songs on the album and I say SM should have the girls play this at a concert just once! Its the most underrated song they have! My sone feels for this song grows over and over every time i listen to it! Thanks for translating cause at first it sound like "Spanking" and not "Spade king" xD
- Soshified
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Sone Atlas
Member Since 30 Jan 2013Offline Last Active Private
About Me
The saying "Once a Sone, forever a Sone" is a lie. As well as "Forever 9"
Obviously it didn't happen to me.
My love for Girls' Generation has ended...
Rest In Peace Sgt. Soshi 9/Soneatles
Born: November 7th, 2013
Died: circa March/April 2014
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In Topic: 04 - Trick
16 February 2014 - 12:44 AM
In Topic: Suggestions&Questions Box~
10 February 2014 - 12:52 PM
Question- Lets say I want to make a compilation thread but I only have one thing(a song to be exact) to review at the moment. Can I do a review on that one thing then add to it later instead of having to make a multiple thread? In addition, lets say that I want to update that compilation thread as well but no one has commented it, would the "bump up" rule still apply to that or should I add "Updated as of...." in the header/tag?
22 September 2013 - 09:03 PM
Aaahh with the english translation that part with SooSica make a bit more sense.
"Boy do you know the situation?" Meaning that this boy is like an attention getter or some pretty boy right? Lol
"Then you better keep it a secret" could mean that this boy should pretend that he doesnt know that he is like a supernova and keep being attractive...
I think thats what it means~
In Topic: 01 - Paparazzi
03 September 2013 - 07:06 PM
I wasnt a fan of this but over time this got better and is like my favorite Japanese song with Flower Power. I like the Choreo for the Boom Boom Boom part and the hand thing Lㄱ lol
In Topic: 08 - Look at Me
25 July 2013 - 09:39 AM
This sounds likes its from the 80s!! Lol I like the tablas in the background though!!
Like the chorus though pretty catchy IMO
Yeah- You look at me, I look at you Yeah- You look at me, I look at you
- Soshified
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