Thank you so much Girl's Generation!
You made me really happy, and I really don't know where to start, but ever since I've discovered you, I really did change. My wallpaper for desktop and iPad mini have you on it. I read about you, talk about you, listen to you, and so much more. Someday I want to see you in South Korea. But that wouldn't happen. All though wishes can come true. Remember to stick together! I really love your dorkiness, it is so cute!
You girls even taught me a new language, Korean! Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! I have been a fan of you guys for a year already and there is still more years to come. Everyone of you girls(plus SSF and the members of SSF) made my day. Thank you so much and Happy 5th anniversary to all of you SNSD!
SoNyuhShiDae Rocks! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~