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Member Since 12 Jun 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 15 2015 12:42 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [FAN ACCNT] Seo Hyun's Birthday Party

29 June 2010 - 12:32 AM

why do taengoo and sunny not there?
fan accounts on their birthday party
i always love this
just how great it is to be invited and spend some time with the girls
really, this thing makes me jealous. keke
we hope and pray the best for the girls in japan

In Topic: [UFO] Taeyeon, Sunny, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Seohyun [05.11.10] - [05.12.10]

13 May 2010 - 10:52 AM

yaayy!!! sunny taeyeon surely reply a lot
taeyeon should take a picture of all of them sitting in their living room with homey look.
we would love to see it, right? kekeke
and thanks for yuri's info about taeng always eats jelly in her room. keke

In Topic: [UFO] Hyoyeon, Sunny, Taeyeon, Yuri [05.11.10] - [05.12.10]

12 May 2010 - 10:53 AM

cool!! there're tons of replies which is good
but at the same time, it is so much that i got pretty messed up in the middle. keke...
love it though.
i love sunny's bbyong2. and it seems that she surrenders to both soonkyu nickname and shorty. hihi...
and i'm happy to see taeng finally step closer to us, fans.

In Topic: [UFO] 05.11.2010 Yuri, Taeyeon, Sunny and Seohyun's replies

12 May 2010 - 10:28 AM

finally, taeng....
glad to see you replying back to UFO at last. kekee
sunny and taeyeon sent the most messages.
i guess they were having a competition of who can reply the most. keke
i can image them sitting side by side, keep replying the messages one by one, but sunny has to lose. keke

In Topic: [ISAK] VJ ISAK ON SOSHIFIED 05/10/10

10 May 2010 - 07:44 AM

Great!! Isak logged in right after we changed our layout.
good that she likes it. she's always nice to sone. such a real unnie she is.
we love u Isak!!!

(hope she informed fany so she can drop by too. hehehe...)