LOL they hide their snacks in their clothes?! hahaha
Woahh Snsd is really something. How can the Nation's Girl Group behaving like this. hahahahahahahahaha
02 December 2013 - 12:34 AM
LOL they hide their snacks in their clothes?! hahaha
Woahh Snsd is really something. How can the Nation's Girl Group behaving like this. hahahahahahahahaha
19 November 2013 - 10:38 AM
Q: What is the secret behind everyone being close friends (*^^*)?
A: We all have been together for a long time and we all have lived together for a long time, so I think that is why we are good friends. Also, in order to avoid fights, we be sure to discuss things it matter what.
They just have that "SoshiBond" and everything will be okay
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