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Member Since 31 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 08 2013 01:29 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Twitter Trends (2)

05 December 2012 - 03:10 AM

they are number 1 and always be..they are awesome..nothing can denied it !

In Topic: Suggestions/Ideas for new products

05 December 2012 - 03:02 AM

what if we held a contest ? for example we choose T-shirt. where its depend on the participant creativity but must include something like " So One " and anything like that. then we select five of the best. for the winner will be determined by SNSD member ( if possible ) if not once again we have to go for voting. and for the winner, the most meaningful gifts is your design will be used for soshified's product. and the money from the product will be donated to charity under SNSD name..how is it ?

In Topic: 05.23.12 Meeting my ultimate bias (Jessica)

05 December 2012 - 02:31 AM

u are truly lucky dude..if i was there..i dont know what happen to me rather than asked her to give an autograph i m gonna faint first.