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Member Since 30 May 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 06 2014 11:24 PM

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In Topic: [ARTICLE] SNSD's Taeyeon: Fantasy of Guys, Target of Girls' Scoldings

30 October 2009 - 09:25 PM

Simply put, "Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder" we all have our own style / taste / preference, we all define beauty differently. The article/post made some valid points, but I didn't like some of the wording. I'm not just saying this because I'm a fan of all 9 of the girls. Taeyeon is pretty, but what the article is trying to point out is, her CHARM. They all have different charms that's what makes them so great, you don't want them all to have the same feel, each of them are unique individuals. I personally like Yoona overall, but that isn't based on her looks, because the first time I saw her, I thought she was just ok, typical asian girl, but what captivated me about Yoona was her expressive personality. Even though SM told her to tone down her actions (not to reveal too much of who she really is), her personality is so explosive that you can see it leak out of her most of the time, which leads to laughter. Taeyeon is no different either, the more you get to know her, the more you see her charm, and it just makes you want to watch and support her, if not LOVE her.

Attainability, this is very true, Taeyeon does seem like the girl next door, someone you grew up with, and someone that just grows on you after time. To sum it up, she is down to earth, someone that's not out of your reach, someone that you can become friends with, etc. The more you know her, the more she'll blossom in your eyes, as the beautiful young woman that she is. Down to earth personality is the only way I can really explain her Charm. I haven't found a way to fully explain her charm, but I get a feel that if you were to randomly meet her at a coffee shop or something (if she wasn't a celebrity) you'd probably be able to feel her Charm and fall for her. Bottom line is, she's a very lovable person.

A bit off topic:
I never understood the point of anti-fans, why hate? Is it because they don't understand her? Is it because jealousy that someone like her can be successful? Don't people know how hard these celebrities work to make a living? I feel especially bad for the KPop stars, although they are famous, they don't make nearly as much as the singers/performers who made it in the USA. ****, half the famous people here in the US make more than they deserve. I mean if you sum it up, KPOP stars barely make half of what a US singer would make in their contract.

K star 5 year contract = barely US Star 1/4 gross income from a single album. Not to mention if they are in a group they have to split the profit among them. That's why they are so busy, they have to take on other jobs to survive. And you always hear news about how a lot of them get so exhausted that they end up running into health issues.

That's why I don't hate ANY K Stars, I respect them all, I may not be a fan to some, but I give them all a chance because they are working hard to entertain us, the lease we can do is to give them an applause and a sign of thank you.

Sorry, it got a bit preachy. :sq_silver_tongue:

GO TAEYEON!!! KEEP ROCKIN' IT!!! :sq_silver_biggrin:

In Topic: [COMIC] Hello We're SNSD!! Yoona's Part, Chapter 2

20 September 2009 - 12:06 PM

That was entertaining. I know it's only a comic, but some how I feel it's not too far fetched. I can actually picture Yoona having the same expression.

In Topic: [UFO] Yoona UFO Reply 09-10-09

10 September 2009 - 09:27 PM

Holy cow that's freakin' awesome, it's not just the fact that Yoona is hilarious the fans are just as funny. Gotta love her for taking time to reply (with humorous responses too).