- During Twinkle ending pose, i think Fany's hand bumped onto taeyeon and then she rubbed taeng's arm while smiling like a total dork.
- The soneID projects were success to the max, no wonder someone said Hyoyeon crying at backstage
- Then at the last part, we held our 3rd paper project "all my love is for 소녀시대" fany saw us then gave us thumbs up.. omggg soooo cute!! >.
- RT @del_87: Oh after we finished singing happy bday, the girls were asking hyo to stand at center then hit her head LMAO..
- My friend said there was a bit TaengSic moment during Gee. Taeyeon glanced at Sica. Can it be comsidered as moment? LOL But okay lah, better than not.
- Sooyoung was abt to speak when the signal on.. she suddenly looked confused and stopped talking to see at the source of the sound..
- SNSD performances on SMTOWN III JakartaDevil's cry(Taeyeon), California Girls(JungSis), RDR, Genie, DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again(TTS+EXO),Twinkle, Dance Battle (YoonYulHyo), Mr.Taxi, Gee, Kissing You, The Boys.
- At the end.. yoontaeny were pointing and smiling to some of the fans then gave thumbs up.. XD
- apparently.. There's no TaengSic moment tonight.
- we started to shout "happy bday hyo!" Then some start singing..then the girls were like '1, 2, 3..' then all of us started to sing again >.
- RT @pltang: sang happie bday to Hyo once by sones.... 2nd happie bday lead by soshi
- RT @real_tessa89: [FANACC] Hyoyeon was crying backstage.#SMTOWNJKT
- When they were introducing themselves, after hyo's part, one of@soneid project staff blow the signal for us sone to say happy bday to hyo..
- RT @vcAcivon: Anw locksmith should be super happy , TaeNy when got back to mainstage , literally together the whole time
- RT @vcAcivon: Then SooSeo joined TaeNyYoong , they bowed together etc . I'm dead tbh
- RT @vcAcivon: SooSeo went to my area and they made a heart sign at first omgggggggggg super lovely tbh
- Someone threw a Woody plushie on stage. Siwon picked it up and a few minutes later he gave it to Sooyoung
- Jessica blow flying kisses to everyone during "Kissing you"
- Sunny intro in Bahasa Indonesia "Selamat malam nama saya Sunny" (G'Nite my name is sunny) in cute way
- it's said that they wore a new outfit for the boys performance
- yuri picked up cute bunny bandage from sone and then did a dorky dance.
- most soshi members come up to the stage for the end festival
- Yuri doing Heart gesture, Sica waved to sones.
- Tiffany shout "U ROCK GUYS!!!!!!!"
- oh my hyo RT @doushitae: Hyoyeon's mic fell down
- The Boys Epic Fanchant
- JeTi n Hyosun moments in gee , something wrong with Taengoo earpiece by vcAcivon
- Gee Fanchant also no kidding, JeTi HyoSun moment too, and IAM VCR being played
- When Kissing You was played, there was HyoHyun moment and Hyo made a love sign credits cleverbyotch
- Hyoyeon almost fell. be carefull Hyo.
- RT @imyoonacom: During MR. Taxi there is a Fanboy screamed "GG Tour Juseyo" XD
- RT @Sooyoungsters: Sooyoung complained hungry in backstage. (cr: kpopers_ind)
- During "DJ Got Us Falling in Love" perf, Seohyun glasses slipped. LOL
- The girls totally looked stun when we yell kim hyoyeon kim hyoyeon kim hyoyeon ! Their face were soooo priceless I couldn't be more proud
- RT @9_unnirs: TaeNy and SooSic moment!!!!!!!!!!!! AAACK
- The fanchant for twinkle really great. and SONE Project also fantastic.
- one of the girls asked "sudah makan?" (have you eaten/dinner?)
- #SMTOWNJKT The girls intro in Bahasa Indonesia :"Selamat Malam, kami SNSD! Saya* rindu kalian!" (G'Nite, we are SNSD! I miss you!") *they should've said Kami (we) instead of Saya (me/i).
- when indo sone singing happy birthday Hyoyeon look amazed and she gives two thumbs up to indo sones.
- During intro earlier, Tiffany shouted "Hai Indonesia!", Yuri said Saya rindu kalian (i miss you guys)
- Tiffany almost slipped during Genie. be careful miyoung~
- The girls and Sones were singing happy birthday for Hyoyeon and the Birthday project went smooth.
- Tiffany Said "Indonesia Put It Back On"
- RT @WK_GeorgieHnly: Yoona said : "selamat malam,saya yoona"#
- RT @doushitae: Seohyun said "Ayo, main bersama!""
- The Hyoyeon Birthday Project were success.
- Yoona said : "selamat malam,saya yoona..and sooyoung said: "saya kangeen kalian" and they singing happy birthday to hyoyeon. _mzhou
- RT @nadyapermadi: SNSD unnirs are cuteeeee! Sooyoung was like 'aku kangen kalian!' And we sang b'day song to hyeoyeon TOGETHER!!!
- i heard Taeyeon was dizzy and fell after the press conference end. but they said she's fine.
- Fan-Acc from GBK Venue : "SONES in the tribune 3A start spreading the white and pink ballons for the "GG words" project" by cleverbyotch
- SNSD intro in Bahasa Indonesia: Yoona : "selamat malam,saya yoona" (G'Nite im yoona), Sooyoung : "aku kangen kalian" (i miss you guys), Sica "Terima kasih sudah datang ke sini" in cute way ("thanks for coming" in cute way), Seohyun : Ayo Main bersama (lets play together)
- RT @sungjin0101: taeyeon ended it with say "gamsahamnida" NOW IS RUN DEVIL RUN!! THOSE GURLS REALLY REALLY FREAKIN' SEXY TT sone festA waved their handbanner
please do update if you have new infos ^^