Happy 5th Anniversary!!!
Time flew really fast, this year is the 3rd year that I became a sone. Being a sone is something I always proud of. Sometimes I think that being a 15s years old sone is better that being 10s years old sone. 10s years old sone like me is being parented. And it is hard for me but I am still happy that I am a sone and I will be a sone forever. I hope one day SNSDwill come to my country, Cambodia and that is the only dream that I have now. SNSD will success forever and exist forever. If SNSD exist, Sone will always exist. SNSD hwaiting~ SNSD saranghae!!!
Proud to be Sone!!!
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#9Soshi sone
Member Since 04 Apr 2012Offline Last Active May 15 2013 06:27 AM
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- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age 24 years old
- Birthday April 10, 2000
Cambodia, Phnom Penh
So Nyeo Shi Dae is the best forever!~ Sone forever~
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In Topic: [MESSAGE] Happy 5th Anniversary To Girls' Generation/소녀시대
30 July 2012 - 07:47 PM
- Soshified
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