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Member Since 15 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 15 2017 07:35 AM

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In Topic: [MESSAGE] Happy 5th Anniversary To Girls' Generation/소녀시대

04 August 2012 - 06:32 AM

Wow FrozenArctic has actually said everything there is to my heart about how i feel about Girls' Generation. You girls are really my inspiration and i really admire your work ethics and bond as sisters and collegues. I really appreciate how you girls work so hard and love your fans. It makes me proud to be a sone even though we have never met. You have influenced my life positively to work harder, live healthly(like maknae), be humble and have confidence. To the nine angels, nine goddess.. We sones would like to thank you for making us happy and being our inspiration. HAPPY 5TH ANNIVERSARY TO GIRLS' GENERATION! I WILL FOREVER BE A PROUD SONE!

In Topic: 01 - Twinkle

30 April 2012 - 01:55 AM

Thanks for the lyrics!