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Member Since 06 Mar 2012
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In Topic: [DONATE] 6th Anniversary Gifts & Charity

19 July 2013 - 06:26 AM

Username: Cherry92
Country: Hungary
Amount: 12.00 USD
Method (PP/CC): PP
I just realized I forgot to add the e-mail part. I hope this won't ruin the whole thing. ㅜ_ㅜ
Here are some further details:


If you can, please give me feedback if it's all okay. And sorry for the inconvenience.

In Topic: [MESSAGE] Seohyun's Message and Picture on SONE PLUS+ (Japan Fansite)

30 March 2013 - 12:25 AM

Wow, it's pretty unbelievable. It's been 14 concerts already? O_O Wow...

I'm glad she's enjoying herself though! :)

Seohyun looks really cute and pretty, I like those spiky headbands a lot, I wanted to get one at Bupyeong market in Incheon, I think, some time ago but it just looked weird on me. It looks really good on our maknae ^^

In Topic: [MAGAZINE] SNSD - Vogue Japan

16 February 2013 - 07:51 AM

Whew~ Finally got to read this.

I always like interviews where they ask the same questions from each girl separately. Their personalities and individual opinions come off better than in a group interview. :)

Seems like a lot of the members are genuinely interested in acting. I would love to see them all too in that field as well! Especially looking forward to Tiffany, she mentioned something before about how we can expect her acting in something this year?? That'd be awesome.

Anyway, thank you for the translations, it was a nice read. ^^

In Topic: [MESSAGE] SNSD's Message and Picture on SONE PLUS+ (Japan Fansite)

08 February 2013 - 01:55 AM

Hmm... I wonder why TaeNyHyun are in dresses while the others are in their hip-hop style outfits. O_o

Even though I'm not in Japan, I'm excited for the girls! ^^ I hope they will enjoy this loooong tour there and that they will be okay constantly "commuting" between Japan and Korea.

Thanks for the trans!

In Topic: [MESSAGE][From. SEOHYUN] ^^

05 January 2013 - 05:20 AM

Thank you for the translation~

Maknae is really cute and she played the guitar well!

And I really love everything about the new concept ^_^