This article really hit home for many of us who will never have a chance to see The Nine Girls in person....but truly desire to give our support. Thank you to the hard-working translator(s) who allow others to know the feelings put down in passed on in English. I don't consider myself an all-out SONE but, I make small efforts to love and give support.....may the Girls all live healthy and loving lives. Present idol stars.....future Legends of K-Pop; members of a Music Hall of Fame.
- Soshified
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Member Since 09 May 2009Offline Last Active Sep 17 2013 05:50 PM
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- Member Title vcman613
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- Birthday June 13
meeting Sunny or Hyoyeon
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In Topic: [OTHERS] What It Means To Be a SONE
08 April 2013 - 07:05 AM
In Topic: [INTERVIEW] Girls & Peace -Japan 2nd Tour- Official Photobook
26 March 2013 - 07:14 AM
Seohyun=ssi...I think I like her more today than Sunny/Hyoyeon just because she mentioned Hawaii as a winter place to visit to enjoy warmth and warm weather. I fantasize meet those 3 if they come for rest and relaxation away from 'The Crowds'......
In Topic: [INTERVIEW] Girls & Peace -Japan 2nd Tour- Official Photobook
11 March 2013 - 09:28 PM
Great to see translation, and that Seohyun picked Hawaii for a winter rest spot.
I hope that she and Sunny would fly from Incheon direct to Honolulu.... then come to Kauai for quiet rest and nature if that's possible.
In Topic: [MESSAGE] Happy 5th Anniversary To Girls' Generation/소녀시대
03 August 2012 - 10:42 PM
As a 'samchon fan' from Hawaii, I feel a bit embarrassed . I cannot recall how I happened upon either a song or maybe Taeyeon singing an OST; but, i was drawn to find out more about the act which led me to GIRLS' GENERATION. Hyoyeon was the initial visual attraction with her 'sun-bleached' colored hair(like a surfer-girl); Taeyeon with her voice and the rest as I listened to their songs . Congratulations on 5 years of musical success and friendship! May the long road in Life be full of group good fortune; individual gains and happiness; and many more years of musical achievements/memories . Keep well; take care of your vocal cords; aim high but don't 'pigeon-hole' only on one goal . Be happy; healthy; and grow wiser and stay true friends.....forever. Fighting/Manse!!
In Topic: [MESSAGE] 4th Anniversary: Send Girls' Generation a Postcard
21 April 2011 - 10:24 PM
dear Soshified; I am a hopeless computer junkie and looking at the previous sample of what is requested; I think i cannot qualify. I don't know how to post a link to photos/postcard sample.....but if allowed, I will send postcard with a message to the mailing address.
- Soshified
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