ack! reading the message made me
ah..i dont know why this is so emotional XD
i feel like giving out a trophy now
i made my account back in april of last year and there was roughly about only 2000 members then.
to think now, soshified has grown to 14,000+ almost 15,000 members!
soshified is awesome, and i have not encountered a forum that focuses on one group to have grown so big, so fast.
honestly, if it wasn't for soshified, i bet i wouldn't have been able to be as a devoted fan as i am now
because of soshified, i was able to learn more about the girls, explore more, and just love them more! lol
i was also able to make new friends and even a family! XD (i sound so nerdy rofl)
all of the layouts were absolutely fabulous! and it's hard to pick out my favorite one. lol
you guys work so hard to bring out the best in SoShi and i just love you!
Thank you for all of your dedication and for never failing to bring us new SoShi goods!
...i'm getting teary again...
with all the things that's happened, soshified has still continued to grow, and is still growing by the minute!
you guys make me proud to be a S♥ne and proud to be a member of soshified!
i believe this forum will be twice as big, if not bigger, by next year, and i am totally looking forward for OUR 2nd Anniversary together!
Soshified rocks and I love you! I just can't thank you guys enough for all of this, really. thanks again for all of your hard work! and i will do my part by diligently posting comments everyday~ XD (and i will most absolutely make it a goal to donate whenever i can!) and to you, i dedicate my 1000th post here!
-Moonlight #2720
- Soshified
- → Viewing Profile: Reputation: mlight93
Member Since 08 Apr 2008Offline Last Active Jan 17 2016 08:56 PM
About Me
Stephanie Tiffany Young Hwang~~~!!! lmao Tiffany is da best best best.
God is not helping me just so that I can live well alone.
Fany is such an inspiring person > < all the more reason to love this amazing girl <3
i miss my hubbabey and debbunnie and everyone else > <
some awesommeee Fany swfs to share. XD god i wish i knew how to embed this.
God is not helping me just so that I can live well alone.
Fany is such an inspiring person > < all the more reason to love this amazing girl <3
i miss my hubbabey and debbunnie and everyone else > <
some awesommeee Fany swfs to share. XD god i wish i knew how to embed this.
You love someone, you open yourself up to suffering, that's the sad truth.
Maybe they'll break your heart, maybe you'll break their heart
and never be able to look at yourself in the same way.
Those are the risks. That's the burden.
Like wings, they have weight, we feel that weight on our backs, but they are a burden that lifts us.
Burdens that allow us to fly...
T I M E passes by too quickly
Community Stats
- Group Donors
- Active Posts 2981
- Profile Views 12279
- Member Title i've missed this girl's smile
- Age 14 years old
- Birthday May 17, 2010
Fany Fany Fany Fany Fany!! LOLOL don't get me wrong. i absolutely adore this mushroom, and she's major hot and super pretty, but i love all members too! lol i dont get how anyone could like one member but not the rest sometimes...really. > >
i mostly spend 95% of my freetime searching up SoShi related stuff. LOL i love Wonder Girls too! Ye Eun!! WonderGeneration FTW! i'd like to see more interactions between these two. lol
previous to my SoShi addict, i was a big fan of Boa and CSJH. (which i still am <3 rofl) also love Solbi! AnBi forever!!! ♥ i also love Hyori! she's hilarious! haha
for my actresses/actors obessions: i absolutely love Yoon Eun Hye, Song Hye Kyo, and Kim Tae Hee!! Hyun Binnn! > < and many many others. LOL
for my non-korean obsessions: S.H.E! love Hebe! and Ariel Lin!! Mike, Hu ge, Liu Yi Fei, Charmaine Sheh, and ect XD
and that's all for now. i'll go back, edit, and add whenever i remember something. ^^ -
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