Finally! I read a fan account from a PH Sone like me., i always get this feeling whenever i read fan accounts. Seriously after reading your post, tears were starting to form in the corner of my eyes. I know it's really hard to make this dream of every Sone came true-to be a part of the "Pink ocean". You know, i've been a fan for just a couple of months but this love of mine towards our nine precious girls are as crazy and deep as you do. Whenever i attend K-Pop events (which has different fandoms) i always spazz when SNSD's cover groups are about to perform. I thought to my self "what if i already saw them live in person? Maybe I'll spazz and act more crazy." I hope someday I'll get a chance to watch them perform in a concert. But in my case it's still quite impossible because I'm just an average collage student and I don't have the money to fly in other countries just to watch their concert. It's sad to know there are lot of factors why SNSD's concert can't happend in our country. First of all there are lot of haters in our country and no one's willing to produce their concert because it would cost thrice than Super Junior or Justin Bieber's. Well, if they're still SNSD in the next 5 years I would still support them. I don't care if they'll be "ahjummas" in the time I'll be seeing them. Yeongwonhi So Nyeo Shi Dae <3
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