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Member Since 28 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 06 2012 12:19 AM

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In Topic: [MESSAGE] Happy 5th Anniversary To Girls' Generation/소녀시대

05 August 2012 - 12:46 AM

Dear SNSD,

Although you may not know who I am, I'm glad to say that I am a proud sone. You aren't just the regular idol, but role models. The nine greatest role models that I could ever look up too. You have proven time after time that determination, love, and unity can overcome challenges thought to be impossible. And for that, I have to thank you. Since discovering your music I have yet to turn away from my aspirations with the doubts of failure.

When I am afraid or nervous I listen to a playlist that I have dubbed "STRICTLY SOSHI". The first few songs calm me down and the next few get me on track. I can honestly say that I need to have your music playing softly in order for me to focus on an assignment. I love to work to some of your more soothing songs because I feel as though I won't jump out of my seat and start singing along; I sit and work while quietly singing to myself. But sometimes if I am too into the song I start singing kind of loud.

I have songs for simple tasks or feelings, like doing the dishes is "Girls' Generation" or rainy days are your rendition of "Singing in the Rain". I sing "Singing in the Rain" so often that my friend banded me from singing that song in front of her more than twice. Every dark cloud, grey sky, and raindrop I sing that song because I cant help thinking that there is joy in just singing in the rain. A joy that I didn't realize until your music had made me see it.

And even though I haven't been with you since the beginning, I want to be there for the rest of the years to come. So, to the nine role models who have never failed to make me feel better I thank you for everything you have done, because without you I don't think I would be the same person I was two and a half years ago.

Most Sincerely,
A Japanese and Hawaiian fan from another land~