Member Since 03 May 2009Offline Last Active May 04 2017 09:41 AM
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doodleyboop → DaphneSSAXO
Can't pm you: http://soshified.com/forums/topic/68902-only-time-can-tell-updated-11-19-11/page__view__findpost__p__4531282. Please clear your inbox.

Here's the link though:
Nov 12 2011 06:32 PM

whitekiss44 → DaphneSSAXO
OMG I'm so sorry.... I wrote nuna below there and I didn't know then that nuna is used only by boys! I'm a girl! :O

DaphneSSAXO → Kei.Sica
oh, haha, eyes playing tricks. i suppose you move to SG?

Kei.Sica → DaphneSSAXO
I think because I was born in September so I just 14 years old now LOL. You are unnie hehe

DaphneSSAXO → Kei.Sica
haha, and we're of same age, except you're a bit older. hi unnie!!