Member Since 02 May 2009Offline Last Active Jun 01 2016 02:25 AM
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p3rk3le → sonelle00
yeeees me too, i'm dying over the mvs!!!! <3 the album's on repeat! do you like it?

sonelle00 → p3rk3le
OMg! long time no chat! how are you?? waaa... i still cant focus after watching their teaser :)

sonelle00 → p3rk3le
yah!!~ haha and whats funny is that..eventhough theyre serious with what theyre saying...i still laugh out :D

p3rk3le → sonelle00
seriously! :D these girls' sweetness and dorkiness make my day!!

sonelle00 → p3rk3le
@NIIGATA? hahaha i love her singing her precious lines in GEE-"GIIRRRLLL" so funny and cute haha :) and taetae in the airport..such a cutiedork :) haha she made me laugh haha

p3rk3le → sonelle00
you should rewatch it, i plan to do it too ^^ did you see the perfs today? she messed up with the lyrics again, baby so precious!!! :p

sonelle00 → p3rk3le
HAHA! really? with your story..i want to watch it from the start..im praying for vacant time :)

p3rk3le → sonelle00
yes~!!! i like both when she danced with the other girls and her part on the dance battle :p she always complaints about not being funny, but i think she's really adorable funny!!!