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Member Since 09 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 12 2023 08:41 PM

#5239806 [5.20.12] SMtown Anaheim - Full Fan Account

Posted by anye on 22 May 2012 - 03:19 PM


I honestly have tears in my eyes--I mean, really, I know this isn't the first thing that comes to mind but your delivery was awesome; you covered everything and ended with the absolutely best bits ever.

I'm sorry, but I can't even bring myself to be jealous of you; I know that sounds like a complete and total lie, but I swear to God reading that just made my WEEK, I'm so happy for you!! Fanaccounts like these really give me such a pleasure knowing how completely real these artists are, especially our forever bias, Hyoyeon (I love that term and I AM STEALING IT, SIR.).

That woman. That woman is just... so precious. Cheering on her family like that. And hearing that SMTown is a real family just makes me so happy that it's all there, behind the scenes. Such close bonds of love and friendship that truly exist.

AND HER HAIR--I LOVED HER HAIR!!! Just looking at the stillcams and fancams of Hyo, I fell in love with her hair (I'll join you in your creeperness, Spiz!), and I cannot imagine how glorious it was in real life.

You really described your "fanboy moment" really well!! I can imagine feeling the exact same way encountering those goddesses~ they looked at you!! :o

Don't worry about not bringing a camera--this fanaccount really brings me so much more joy than a fancam xD though it would have supplemented it pretty damn well if you had one! But no regrets, Spizsam!! You had the time of your life, LITERALLY, and Hyo felt your love :D That's all we ask for, as Hyohunnies!!
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