Member Since 01 May 2009Offline Last Active Private
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pulpbits → shirin001
i just saw it in Google. i was searching for some baby names and i saw Shirin in this site- http://babynamesworld.parentsconnect.com/meaning_of_Shirin.html i also saw your name in Sbox, so it was a surprise :)

shirin001 → pulpbits
thanks 4 saying , actually i already knew the meaning of my name that in persian means sweet :)... how did u know??

pulpbits → shirin001
Meaning: Sweet, charming - i googled your name ^^ haha, sorry . . . just a random comment :)

pulpbits → IzumiFanny
hello, there's an update with the fanfic "Fake Wife" but i think that the writer can't send a PM to you since he / she misspelled your name. check it out :)

pulpbits → Soomaja
hello, there was something wrong in your PM -on your update in chapter 7. the link wasn't working because of this: "http//http" :) but it's okay i already read it and left a comment.

woshiibgm → pulpbits
hello! thanks for letting me know bout the fic hehe<3
will start reading it today^^
will start reading it today^^