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Member Since 02 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 22 2015 11:41 AM

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In Topic: [MESSAGE] SNSD's Message and Picture on SONE PLUS+ (Japan Fansite)

08 February 2013 - 04:19 AM

thank you for the translation! Sounds like they are ready to go out and perform for the tour! Hope they have a good time on stage and stay healthy of course! 


hmm wonder what this app looks like... hopefully its not just japan restricted

In Topic: [MESSAGE][From. JESSICA] This is Sica~

24 December 2012 - 07:35 PM

cute sica! cute cute sica! dress up warmly so you don't get sick! eheheh! thanks for translating this! :D

In Topic: [MESSAGE][From. JESSICA] Hehehe

21 November 2012 - 09:48 AM

Woooddddss! :D

Ahhh so adorable!! one of the best things to come home to after class! seeing her adorable pictures with the message! thank you so much for posting this!

Sica Fighting!

In Topic: [MESSAGE][From. YURI] SONE ♥

10 November 2012 - 06:03 AM

ahh yuri! :) what a cute post! Hope they have fun in LA for sure!

In Topic: [MESSAGE][From. TAEYEON] This is Taeyeon~^^

11 October 2012 - 09:08 AM

the pose that seohyun suggested LOL.. xD so out of the ordinary. so original of her ahah !

the pictures are cute! thanks for translating and posting this up!