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soojungism → kijeok
Hi Kijeok, I’m posting here in case you don’t see it on the Endless Season thread

I first read ES in 2017. And over the years, the story has stayed with me. Periodically, it pops into my head and it’s a thought that lingers. Every once in awhile, I look up your story - even as the hope for an update, for some semblance of closure, dissipates. Over the years, I’ve read and reread ES at different stages of my life and each time, your story resonated.
Oct 29 2022 08:20 AM -
I just want you to know that your story moved me. I’ll probably always be checking for another update, although you’ve maybe moved on by now. But please know that ES is still relevant, that your story still touches people, and that many of us still wait for a chance to read on.
Thank you for writing this story. If you ever decide to write on, I’ll be here, patiently waiting.
Oct 29 2022 08:21 AM -
I agree with your thread, user soojungism. Endless Season is one of the best stories that I've ever read. I would never get tired of reading it over and over again because it's soooo good.
Jul 19 2024 03:50 PM

taengdeukie → kijeok
hello kijeok-nim! i hope you’re doing well :) i'm just here to say i love endless season so much. best fanfic ever!

taengdeukie → kijeok
Endless Season is the best fanfic ever.. It's still my favourite. Words cannot explain how much I'm grateful for you and that fic. i hope you continue it because it is truly one of the best fic ever written. you are a very talented writer. I hope you are doing well :)

februru → kijeok
2020 and I just found your story, its really better late than never. All I can say is that, this story is the best. You might have read heard it from all your readers but still I need to say it. Im not very good with words. All I want to say is I hope for this story to continue and that it is the best!!

zaranotstore → kijeok
I just wanted to drop by and say that though I’m a new sone (joined the fandom this year) your work, ES, has impacted me so much more than any other work has in my time here and it continues to be one of my favorite pieces of all time. I thank you for your love and dedication and I hope the best for you in the upcoming decade. I look forward to hearing from you! <3 Zara

Hi, thank you so much! I'm happy to hear you've enjoyed my story, and always happy to hear that there's still new people getting into this awesome girl group :) Thank you, I hope the best for you as well!
Dec 25 2019 07:24 PM

Hayley → kijeok
I've lost count how many times I re-read ES. Honestly, I've been gone from SSF for slightly more than a year. Just to remind you that you still have fans supporting your work! Thank you for writing such a good piece of work and I genuinely love it! ������������

Dec 23 2015 08:16 AM -
Dec 23 2015 08:16 AM -
Dec 23 2015 08:16 AM

ItsMeFifi → kijeok
Hey, I'm still a newbie here. I heard a lot about your fic Endless Season and it was the first thing I looked up when I logged in on here. Thanks for the awesome fic. :)

Yuhee → kijeok
Your story is happening right now. I'm afraid in real life they won't have a happy ending. At least give us some hope even just in your fic? We miss you :(