Thank you for being strong for this past 5 years, thank you for creating music for our ears
I am truly thankful and I think I speak for all SONEs
5 years ago you angels started with Into a New World in 2007 and shocked everyone
Remember those comments saying how you angels wouldn't make it well guess what?!? You angels broke many records in music in Korea!
Look at you angels now Shining so bright not only in Korea but the world
You girls have achieved so much in 5 years I think I can now call you miracles
Life has brought you many difficulties but you brushed them off without any problems why? Because you girls have the ultimate bond that no one else has.
I remember watching when you girls win an award for Kissing you and I really cried along but I knew those tears were a sign of happiness so that made me cry along
Then came along Gee bringing you girls into immense popularity. Earning you girls 9 consecutive wins A new record!
But it doesn't stop then if I listed them all there wouldn't be enough room left :L This shows how much you angels have done.
Not only in records but in lifes You have changed my life and other SONEs lives
You made sure we knew that Soshi and SONEs are a family, never forgeting to say thank you when recieving awards
Thank you so much You have inspired me and all the other SONEs in life
Happy 5th Anniversary Soshi!!!
I hope in 5 years time I will be saying Happy 10th Anniversary! :L
So unnies please take care of yourselves and do not get sick
I hope the best for you angels and that you will continue strong and break more records
So, Soshi can you hear us?
We, SONEs will continue supporting you even when forever ends!
- Soshified
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Member Since 23 Aug 2011Offline Last Active Aug 05 2016 06:18 AM
About Me
Girls' Generation's new single Party is out! Please continue to support them ~
We got roughly 4.2 million views in 24 hours! Well done Sones!
Now we have to continue to work hard for Soshi! They deserve it!
Soshi can you hear us?
We, SONEs will always be there for you even when forever ends
We got roughly 4.2 million views in 24 hours! Well done Sones!
Now we have to continue to work hard for Soshi! They deserve it!
Soshi can you hear us?
We, SONEs will always be there for you even when forever ends
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- Member Title SoshiHoney
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Girls' Generation, KPOP, Music, Piano
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In Topic: [MESSAGE] Happy 5th Anniversary To Girls' Generation/소녀시대
04 August 2012 - 04:16 PM
- Soshified
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