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Member Since 14 Apr 2009
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In Topic: [2010] Charity Water Well for 9

17 July 2010 - 01:13 AM

Soy, I hope you are working on a mass PM on this.
We should've donated to there in the first place.^^
Let's make this work. Again.

In Topic: [PICS] Forever9: 3rd Anniversary Gifts

16 July 2010 - 04:39 PM

Yet again, another project is coming along mighty fine.
I'm sure our girls will love the gifts as always.
Love the necklaces. Eternity of love.
Since our girls will be on the go, they probably will need a cooler for that MBP.
They get hot. And I doubt they know about SMC and whatnot.^^
Props for coordinators and donors for the amazing project so far.

In Topic: 100,000 Members!! SSF reached the Epic Mark!

24 June 2010 - 04:25 PM

Soshified has finally reached 100k.
It's an unbelievable benchmark on our growth.
Congratulations to Soshified and all of those who have contributed up to this day.
There's no stopping us SONEs now.

In Topic: [2010] Charity Water Well for 9

20 May 2010 - 02:14 PM

Good deed for a good cause for a great day.
Seems like a great idea to me.
9 wells under the name of our girls. It has a nice ring to it.
Always wiling to support for projects for our girls.

Username: MaknaeLove
Donation amount: $50

To be honest, $5k in a week is gonna be tough.
But let's not give up. Believe in the Power of 9.^^


15 May 2010 - 06:32 PM

Wow. Pretty cool how Vanness was on Soshified.
Tiffany is so good at attracting people to Soshified.^^
I wonder how they met. Kangta probably.