i can't be happier
today is really my day
i see my pix in the photobook on Soshi 5th anniversary, hehe
Soshified & Sones around the world
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Member Since 04 Aug 2011Offline Last Active Mar 26 2015 05:06 PM
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- Member Title SoshiHoney
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- Birthday December 21
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somewhere over cloud9
travel, photography, make friends & love GG with all my heart
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In Topic: [PICS] 5th Anniversary Gifts
05 August 2012 - 12:19 AM
In Topic: [MESSAGE] Happy 5th Anniversary To Girls' Generation/소녀시대
23 July 2012 - 07:31 AM
oh wooohoooohhh, happieeeee 5th anniversary to our S9shi , our girls , our angels !
wish all the best in the universe for you, the only ones able to make me feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach.
Thank you for being my joy, my hpiness, my reason for life..
forever SNSD in my heart...soshi bond jjang !!
wish all the best in the universe for you, the only ones able to make me feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach.
Thank you for being my joy, my hpiness, my reason for life..
forever SNSD in my heart...soshi bond jjang !!
In Topic: [MESSAGE] Thank you~ hehe (Jessica's birthday message)
18 April 2012 - 07:22 AM
i'm so touched and happy with her words (express it express it, haha)
that's the reason why i love Jessie
the pix are still awesome coz taken by your beloved Fany, right keke
anyway, don't worry, you're always GorJess in our eyes
p/s: thanks for translating it fast
that's the reason why i love Jessie
the pix are still awesome coz taken by your beloved Fany, right keke
anyway, don't worry, you're always GorJess in our eyes
p/s: thanks for translating it fast
- Soshified
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