Member Since 18 May 2011Offline Last Active Dec 13 2014 10:22 AM
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fathein → creamychoco1234
hahaha . well it kinda take just 3hrs to go kl by a car if u don't stuck in traffic jam . hihihihi . so u are chinese . hmmm . i'm malay by the way . ~PEACE~ :p

creamychoco1234 → fathein
That's because it's nearer to Singapore~ KL is 5 hrs ride by bus >< Yup~ I'm a chinese. You too?

fathein → creamychoco1234
oooo . i see . u must like shopping in johor right ? but i love shopping in KL . hihihi . are u chinese ?

creamychoco1234 → fathein
I have cousins in malaysia~ But they live in Raub which is really far haha. I go Johor for shopping XD

creamychoco1234 → fathein
I'm fine too~ :D Which part of malaysia do you live in?