- Soshified
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Member Since 08 Mar 2009Offline Last Active Jan 17 2014 06:47 PM
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In Topic: [OTHERS] Hyukjae's Cyworld Entry
25 August 2009 - 12:50 PM
HAHAHA!!! TAENGOO IS TERRIBLE IN BOWLING!!! JUST LIKE ME!!! THAT'S SO COOL!!! AT LEAST THAT IS ONE COMMON THING WE HAVE TOGETHER!! Other than that, we are like total opposites... She sings very well, i suck, she is short, i am tall, she is cute, i am........ ok.... i am making myself feeling bad...
In Topic: [INTERVIEW] Ellegirl 09/09 interview
20 August 2009 - 01:25 AM
lolx... Seohyun is the most girlish member according to all the other members, and Sunny and Tiffany are both most envied by the other members? wow... this is really interesting...
In Topic: [OTHERS] 09-07-26 Leeteuk CY Entry
26 July 2009 - 06:06 PM
haha!! Taengoo did say that Yoona at her age thinks a lot about stuff, and that's why they talk a lot in their bedroom together with Sooyoung... But anyway, that's not the point....
Y does teukie's CY sound that sad? and the whole milk club thingy sounds so sad as well!
Y does teukie's CY sound that sad? and the whole milk club thingy sounds so sad as well!
In Topic: [IPLE] From. SeoHyun
16 March 2009 - 09:28 PM
haha... that is so cute... it is good to hear from seohyun every now and then, since u dun actually see her talking on TV a lot... that is a bit sad, but maybe the PDs need to give her more air times...
In Topic: [TAEYEON] Chin Chin Jumbo Lollipop on WGM #2
16 March 2009 - 07:26 AM
WOWEEE!!! That is really jumbo... at first i was like how jumbo can it be... but i was slightly shocked when she was taking it... seriously, is that real lolli? can it be eaten? How do u eat that?
- Soshified
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