Is it weird if I said I miss her?
She looks so lonely from the pictures... I hope she's not feeling lonely there. But I'm glad she's doing this acting; it's like taking a short break
- Soshified
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: jeshiikie*XII
Member Since 07 Apr 2011Offline Last Active Private
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 154
- Profile Views 3512
- Member Title Stay loyul <3
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday January 12
Not Telling
Napping, reading, verbal fight (for the fun of it), travelling, zoning out, cruising, getting lost
Favorite SoShi Member
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Brunei Darussalam (BN)
Posts I've Made
In Topic: [OTHERS] Yuri's message and selca on Japanese mobile website
25 February 2012 - 03:44 PM
In Topic: [MESSAGE] Sooyoung's Thank You Message (Official Website)
10 February 2012 - 01:50 PM
Never EVER wanting to exit the Soshi Express
What a lovely message from the Cheerful Princess... It shows just how much she understands us SONEs
Happy 23rd Birthday, Choi Sooyoung!
P.S: Thank you taengbear for the translation
What a lovely message from the Cheerful Princess... It shows just how much she understands us SONEs
Happy 23rd Birthday, Choi Sooyoung!
P.S: Thank you taengbear for the translation
In Topic: 04 - Time Machine
28 December 2011 - 09:25 PM
Such an amazing song! Although some didn't have any parts in it, I'm still glad coz it manages to showcase the strength of the lead vocalists. Hopefully there's an amazing MV to accompany this amazing song Love the rhythm, the lyrics, the emotions put across. Good job once again Soshi! Thank you also to the Soshified team for putting up the translation and the romanizations. I love Hiro's version as well!
In Topic: 04 - Time Machine
28 December 2011 - 09:23 PM
Such an amazing song! Although some didn't have any parts in it, I'm still glad coz it manages to showcase the strength of the lead vocalists. Hopefully there's an amazing MV to accompany this amazing song Love the rhythm, the lyrics, the emotions put across. Good job once again Soshi! Thank you also to the Soshified team for putting up the translation and the romanizations. I love Hiro's version as well!
In Topic: SNSD Girls' Generation Tour at SG 2nd night
10 December 2011 - 05:44 PM
ohmigad you seriously had one of the best seats, getting fanservices from almost ALL of them! Lucky you! I think if either Yuri or Fany or Sica did that to me, I'd just roll over and die
- Soshified
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