Member Since 30 Mar 2011Offline Last Active May 30 2017 05:50 PM
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Tsukishiro → lexonnet
Australia is nearer to Korea than UK and shouldn't be much of a bother for them..but UK..Gawd! We're like isolated from the world xD Anyways, I hope you're right..some day we'll get a Kpop concert too :)
Aug 25 2011 08:21 AM
lexonnet → Tsukishiro
I would've thought Australia's chance were even slimmer! LOL! I have faith you guys in the UK will get something soon :D
Aug 21 2011 05:06 PM
Tsukishiro → lexonnet
Oh yeah..I heard about that. I'm jealous! UK haven't had something like that and the chances of having one is pretty slim >.<
Aug 19 2011 07:50 PM
lexonnet → Tsukishiro
I'm sure it was epic! Things are getting pretty epic in Aus at the moment. I'm preparing for the kpop music fest that's happening in November. So very excited! I can't believe we're actually gettting something like this down under :)
Aug 11 2011 01:19 PM
Tsukishiro → lexonnet
You're not alone at being a bad member! Haha! Barely online myself..but it's nice of you to drop by :) SMTown was epic as expected! :D How are you?
Aug 11 2011 01:32 AM
lexonnet → Tsukishiro
Hiiiii! ^^
Just thought I'd pop by & say hello! I'm like, the worst soshified member in the world. I'm hardly ever on here :/ lol
I hope you are well! How are things? Did you have an amazing time at SMTownParis?
Aug 04 2011 01:21 PM
Just thought I'd pop by & say hello! I'm like, the worst soshified member in the world. I'm hardly ever on here :/ lol
I hope you are well! How are things? Did you have an amazing time at SMTownParis?
Young Buck → Tsukishiro
Yep, i was staying with a friend in UK for a few days then we took the train into Paris lol. Then I went back to UK to hang out for a few more days and went home.
Jun 30 2011 05:28 PM