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Member Since 27 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 23 2013 10:13 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [07.27.11] How I Met Jessica (GUAM)

27 November 2011 - 12:01 PM

hi Tim..you are the man! :thumbsup: who got the diarrhea but could got sica sign. :lol:
others just jealous of you, but no me. cause i'm not pretty sure that the girls when would come to my country. :(

In Topic: [07.27.11] How I Met Jessica (GUAM)

27 November 2011 - 11:59 AM

hi Tim..you are the man! :thumbsup: who got the diarrhea but could got sica sign. :lol:
others just jealous of you, but no me. cause i'm not pretty sure that the girls when would come to my country. :(

In Topic: SNSD Knows about Soshified

30 September 2011 - 06:24 AM

im happy to hear that soshi know whe are here..in their world.
by the way, i just want to say a big thanks to soy and the other guys who make this happen.
once again..thank you guys!
if there is no you guys, i afraid that i can't know deeper about this 9 girls, i mean this 9 angels..so proud of them and you guys.. :thumbup: