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Member Since 25 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 07 2012 09:10 AM

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In Topic: [OTHERS] SNSD are worried about SONE

27 May 2011 - 11:00 AM

I really salute and moved to what is done by 9 women.
They paid little attention to his fans and they always fight for the best for his fans.
I also gained hope our sone around the world to understand the state of SNSD who looks very, very tired of this.

At first I thought they were so thin because it changes the theme and for their new style for the new album.

But when I see one clip, and once there, look on their faces pale. And if I see a gig schedule SNSD now very dense, almost every day and throughout the year.

I am as a person who was idolized one SNSD personnel, and even my teacher made ​​it for myself personally.
I wish I could help them and I also gained invites the sone to help them as a sign of love for us in SNSD.

Let us all Encourage them and try to not make their burden increases.

SNSD fighting
Sone spirit
