Member Since 24 Mar 2011Offline Last Active Feb 01 2012 02:49 PM
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doridorisu → Sowannking
haha you don't need to if you don't want to xD but yeah its better to clarify. No problem at all. I see you're posting quite a lot now XD don't spam ok? have fun~ ^_^
Jul 11 2011 09:07 AM
Sowannking → doridorisu
hahahaha, thx for that...
I'm just confused what i'm supposed to ask...
yeah, It's better than I dont ask...wkwkwk *peace* :P
Jul 11 2011 01:41 AM
I'm just confused what i'm supposed to ask...
yeah, It's better than I dont ask...wkwkwk *peace* :P
doridorisu → Sowannking
Hi there! I'm from the sunshiner's intro thread and lol your question. There is a reason why there is a post restriction! and its for your own good. Seriously in no time you should be having fun with posting :) it will be your just reward. Just check the spazz thread or search for a topic u might like!
Jul 10 2011 01:50 PM