Member Since 11 Mar 2011Offline Last Active Private
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카일 수이 → Poooka
Lol whychya apologizing for? Nothing to be mad about ;P I'm gonna be a silent reader for a while xD School huh? Wait till you get to college >XDDD

sHOOTing → Poooka
hey too! you know, my life is a bit dull.. and my state exam? still waiting.. 30 more days to go.. man, what a wait X( how bout you?

Poooka → 카일 수이
Aw, I sorry :( Ohh! I updated umm my Fate That Lives On fic sooo you could re-read those? Ahh.. I know how you feel.. school is such a drag haha.

카일 수이 → Poooka
Lawl, I missed reading your fics =( Life's been pretty hectic and all with all the assignments and stuffs I'm going through >_> But I'm still alive.... somehow xDD

Poooka → 카일 수이
Haha I've been pretty great! Oh, no where... Just been busy with school n such lol. How has you beeeen?

Poooka → sHOOTing
Hey hey! Sorry that I wasn't able to reply in awhile! Hope you are doing well and that you aced your exam =D

카일 수이 → Poooka
Heeeeeey! Been a while since you're here!! 'Sup? =D Where did ya go all these time? =x

sHOOTing → Poooka
hey.. great to know you're doing GREAT XD i'm facing my big exam soon, so i cant online that much X(