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Mr Polo

Member Since 02 Mar 2011
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Joedy~Mr Polo

awww and alright! heres my tumblr
Jun 11 2011 06:11 PM

Mr PoloJoedy~

Haha, to be honest, I don't have all three! :O I'm willing to create a tumblr account though.
Jun 11 2011 05:37 PM

Joedy~Mr Polo

Since you're a fellow gleek AND sone :D we should totes chat!
Tumblr? twitter? Skype?
Jun 11 2011 12:12 PM

SukoshiMr Polo

No, it's fine. Understood. ^^ Few clean up and many more just throw their trash on the street, so there's just garbage everywhere you look. :\
May 16 2011 10:07 PM

Mr PoloSukoshi

I'm officially back, again. Unwanted hiatus, roflmao, due to exams. Anyway, yeah. You'd get fined or jailed just by that. Singapore's a really strict country, but I guess that's what makes it safe. I'm sure yours isn't that bad. Noone cleans it up? :/
May 16 2011 09:17 PM

Joedy~Mr Polo

LOL ran out of space but yeah haha cant wait for brittana to be official!
Hey i'm not really on soshified much so are there any other ways you wanna spazz together? Do you use twitter? I'm on that daily. oh and tumblr. The Glee community on tumblr is big so theres lots of brittana&faberry shippers :]
May 16 2011 06:35 AM

Joedy~Mr Polo

lol sorry for the late reply ^^;;
BUT YES! I've been SO up to date!! I'm glad theres another gleek here! I agree! SNSD has been too busy and I'm not interested in their japanese activities much, so Glee has been so much more entertaining!
omg have you seen the Prom Episode? OMG I was squealing because there was so much faberry in one! OMG and th...
May 16 2011 06:33 AM

SukoshiMr Polo

Maybe, maybe! I heard, actually. It's really clean because you get jailed/ fined for littering, right? Hey, at least you wouldn't have to worry about a messy environment. Unlike here where it's trash, trash and more trash everywhere. :(
May 10 2011 02:42 AM

Mr PoloSukoshi

Thinking of me may lead to your inspiration, haha! Why isn't it allowed? Well, you see, Singapore's a really strict country. Like.. REALLY STRICT.
May 10 2011 02:38 AM

Mr PoloJoedy~

Finally.. Another Gleek! :D
I've been obsessed with Glee (and ALMOST forgot about SNSD) just because of Brittana. I swear, I can't seem to think straight ever since that confession in 'Sexy'. The Cheerio Trios are my fave, they're entertaining. :) It's hard to keep up with SNSD now that they're busy. :/ Anyway, have you been keeping up with Glee's episodes?
May 09 2011 10:54 PM